Tag Archives: soft

Goldman CEO David Solomon sees only 35% chance of soft landing, stocks lower in 2023

Goldman CEO David Solomon sees only 35% chance of soft landing, stocks lower in 2023

Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon expects the stock market’s slide to continue in 2023 and thinks the odds of a recession hitting the U.S. economy are about 2-out-of-3. Speaking at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit on Tuesday, Solomon said he expects stocks will be lower, along with oil and real estate (both commercial and residential), while the U.S. dollar is poised to rise slightly next year. Meanwhile, Solomon placed the probability of a “soft landing” — or a slowdown in… Source link

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Google Answers If Core Update Ranking Losses Are A Soft Penalty

Google Answers If Core Update Ranking Losses Are A Soft Penalty

Google’s Office Hours Hangout featured a question about algorithm updates and whether the rankings of a negatively affected site is suppressed by a “soft penalty.” The person asking the question made reference to a soft penalty, which is a phrase that’s been around for several years but isn’t really a thing. They also make reference to suffering from a “flag” that’s been assigned to their site, which alludes to Google having marked the site in some way, as in flagged. Here is… Source link

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Bug in How Google Detects Soft 404s May Be Causing Traffic Losses

Bug in How Google Detects Soft 404s May Be Causing Traffic Losses

Soft 404 Google Soft 404 Bug Citation Google’s John Mueller answered a question about an ongoing problem on Google’s side related to soft 404 error response code and how it’s handled. It’s because of a change on Google’s side. Soft 404 A 404 error response code is a code that is sent by a web page to the web browser or to Google informing them that the page they were looking for no longer exists. Advertisement Continue Reading Below A server response code known as a 200 Response Code is a… Source link

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