Tag Archives: observation

‘It’s more like centers for disease observation and reporting’

‘It’s more like centers for disease observation and reporting’

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) this week commenced a sweeping agency review that will examine the institution’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its ongoing efforts to manage the outbreak. More than a dozen people close to the CDC told CNN that the agency requires major changes if it aims to respond deftly and effectively next time a pandemic arises. New York Times best-selling author Michael Lewis agrees. Lewis, whose latest book “Premonition” chronicles the experts who… Source link

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Legendary stock picker Peter Lynch made a remarkably prescient market observation in 1994

A version of this post was originally published on TKer.co. Peter Lynch, the legendary stock picker who ran Fidelity’s market-beating Magellan Fund for 13 years, made a prescient observation in a speech he gave to the National Press Club back in October 7, 1994. It comes from the 38-minute mark of this video (via @DividendGrowth): Some event will come out of left field, and the market will go down, or the market will go up. Volatility will occur. Markets will continue to have these ups and… Source link

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