Tag Archives: Eileen

Eileen Gu’s VPN comment doesn’t sit well in China

ZHANGJIAKOU, China — Viewers who tuned in to the English-language version of CNN on Chinese television one night shortly after the Olympic Opening Ceremony would have seen Jake Tapper excoriating China for its human rights violations and authoritarian rule. When Tapper mentioned Chinese president Xi Jinping, the screen was suddenly replaced with color bars and the message “No Signal Please Stand By.” The signal resumed moments later, as Tapper was wrapping up his remarks. Western… Source link

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Eileen Gu chose China over her native U.S.

ZHANGJIAKOU, China — Eileen Gu is one of the finest freeskiers in the world, graceful and daring and utterly fearless. Off the skis, she possesses model-level poise, speaks two languages fluently, plays deft piano, is preparing to attend Stanford this fall, and exhibits the kind of compassion and empathy that allows her millions of social media followers to feel they truly know her. In an Olympics short on Phelps/Biles-style American athletic royalty, she would be at the forefront of Team… Source link

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