Tag Archives: Bogus

Check your bank statements for bogus Google charges

Check your bank statements for bogus Google charges

MARTINSVILLE — Check your bank statements. A scam involving unauthorized Google charges is hitting bank accounts across the country including right here in Indiana. A Martinsville woman contacted WRTV Investigates for help. The charges are totally bogus but appear to be coming from Google and Google Play, and typically there’s more than one on your credit or debit card. Anita Caincross of Martinsville went out to dinner with a friend, and when she went to pay with her debit card, it would… Source link

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Check your bank statements as bogus Google charges continue

Check your bank statements as bogus Google charges continue

PHOENIX — Why are bogus Google charges still ending up on credit card accounts across the country? What’s being done about it? We’ve been asking Google and the banks for months. Yet, the scam continues affecting more people. And some of them say they’re having a hard time getting these fake charges removed. “I looked at the balance and was like ‘what’,” says Jeannine Gailey. It’s her Citibank card balance and it’s much higher than what she expected. “I knew I hadn’t spent much money… As I… Source link

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Check your bank statements: Bogus Google charges appearing

Check your bank statements: Bogus Google charges appearing

If you haven’t checked your bank statements closely lately, you should do it now. Unauthorized Google charges are appearing on Chase Visa statements. And while there are different accounts, all charges are for the same odd amount, $13.01. Beth emailed that her account had three of those charges all saying Google. “My card has been linked to Google Chrome and Google Play,” she says. But none of those charges were authorized. Not all of the cards affected were even attached to Google accounts. And… Source link

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