Tag Archives: Banks

JPMorgan and Google launch program to help minority-owned banks

JPMorgan and Google launch program to help minority-owned banks

JPMorgan Chase and Google launched a program Tuesday to help banks owned and led by people of color increase their lending capabilities. The new initiative is dubbed “Empowering Change.” It’s designed to help banks that are majority-owned or directed by people of color provide JPMorgan-backed money market funds to large companies. Most minority depository institutions wouldn’t have the resources to service those companies otherwise. The program offers the same services… Source link

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Why Russian banks are suddenly turning into tech companies

Why Russian banks are suddenly turning into tech companies

With the rapid technological development and the new tendencies of the market, the Russian companies seem to find a very interesting move towards the direction of the tech, rather than traditional banks. The traditions and the conservative approach towards the topics are slowly getting to an end as it seems, according to the news. This might be indicating the new technological era in Russia and some vibrant and important steps being taken in the tech direction.  The recent news which… Source link

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Burnt Banks Claim Fraud, Fabrications in Asian Oil-Trading Web

Burnt Banks Claim Fraud, Fabrications in Asian Oil-Trading Web

(Bloomberg) — Fabricated documents, suspicious transactions and $192 million in the hole. That’s the predicament two banks claim they’ve found themselves in after funding crude oil deals in the midst of Singapore’s commodities trading meltdown. The troubled transactions, outlined in court documents, offer the clearest look yet at some of the deals at the heart of a web of scandals in the Asian energy-trading hub that have already caused more than $9 billion in potential losses for… Source link

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