Tag Archives: bad

Dogecoin is the ‘bad boy of crypto’: Analyst

Unlike other cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (BTC-USD) and Litecoin (LTC-USD), Dogecoin (DOGE-USD) has no legitimate use and was created as a joke, Ric Edelman, founder of Edelman Financial Engines, told Yahoo Finance Live. “I am strongly opposed to Dogecoin, Doggy-coin, because it was invented as a joke,” Edelman said. “It was not serious. It has no legitimate use-case. It is not something that I think is doing the crypto community any good in its efforts to generate credibility and… Source link

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‘Bitcoin is bad for crime,’ says crypto asset manager

The Justice Department was recently able to recover $2.3 million worth of bitcoin (BTC-USD) extorted from Colonial Pipeline, suggesting that digital currency may not always be the best tool for criminals. “It’s not intuitive to a lot of people, but it’s a thing that the public is learning more and more,” Hunter Horsley, cofounder and CEO for Bitwise Asset Management, said about the rise in recovery of stolen cryptocurrency, such as part of the bitcoin ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline to… Source link

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Bucks last-second layup is bad beat for Nets bettors

A controversial call at the end of the first half of Game 1 of the Brooklyn Nets versus Milwaukee Bucks Eastern Conference semifinal series resulted in a bad beat for some bettors. The first-half spread was Nets -2 over at BetMGM. And if you put money on the Nets covering the two points going into halftime, you were sitting pretty when they took an 11-point lead with 3:22 left in the second quarter. The lead for Brooklyn was eight points, 61-53, at the 1:57 mark and then seven points, 63-56,… Source link

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How bad is Google Photos’ compression anyway?

Google Photos has long offered one of the best deals in all of photo storage: it’ll back up your entire library for free, so long as it can compress the images a bit. But as of tomorrow, June 1st, that deal goes away, and you’re now eating through Google storage (which you may have to pay for) whether your images are compressed or not. With the change looming, I’ve been wondering how bad Google’s compression actually is. Does the compression leave my photos in “High Quality,”… Source link

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Avoiding A Bad Google Breakup

Publishers and ad tech companies have lately been treated to some interesting new information about how Google has managed its programmatic advertising business through the years. Specifically, they have learned about Project Bernanke, a secretive program in which Google cut previously undisclosed deals with big partners like Facebook to assure preferential pricing and winning bids. It also adjusted revenue share to guarantee that bids clear price floors for those big partners and… Source link

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‘It’s deeply wrong. We don’t want to make our money selling things that are bad for people’

Benzinga Unidex Offers a New, Unique Way to Trade DeFi Tokens The DeFi ecosystem is growing again, with its total value locked (TVL) just reaching a new all-time high at $51.78 billion yesterday, April 7th. The DeFi sector is larger than ever, with nearly a year-long steady growth. New projects are emerging all the time, and DeFi participants are in need of a top-quality, reliable place to exchange DeFi tokens. Naturally, with the whole point of DeFi being decentralized, the only exchanges… Source link

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Franz Wagner’s bad night seals Michigan’s fate

The ball was in the hands of the player that Michigan coach Juwan Howard trusted most with his team’s season on the line. Franz Wagner curled around a left-wing screen from Hunter Dickinson and discovered that the UCLA center who switched onto him had given him ample space to shoot. Sensing his moment, Wagner pulled up, let a potential go-ahead 3-pointer fly and … left it a few inches shy of the rim. That airball was the indelible image from Michigan’s 51-49 Elite Eight loss to… Source link

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Mark Emmert’s $3.5 billion mistake is bad even for him

When choosing from the Cheesecake Factory menu of NCAA president Mark Emmert’s biggest failures over his decade-long tenure, there appears to be a clear low point. Emmert has bungled many things in his tenure, ranging from allowing politicians and judges to control the issue of athletes profiting off their likeness to the impotence of the rules enforcement department. There are plenty of other lowlights, including the equity issues that arose with the NCAA women’s basketball… Source link

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The amount of your third stimulus check may be a surprise — good or bad

The amount of your third stimulus check may be a surprise — good or bad Congress has now completed work on President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief package, including stimulus checks of up to $1,400 for most Americans. The U.S. House gave final approval on Wednesday; Biden has vowed that he’s prepared to sign the legislation “as soon as I can get it.” Many people should have more cash to pay down debt, save or cover household expenses by the end of March, according to a prediction from… Source link

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Google is Giving People Bad, Fossil Fuel-Funded Info on the Green New Deal

For the past two years, people who Google the term “cost of Green New Deal” have seen at the top of their results a price tag of $93 trillion.  This figure comes from something called the American Action Forum (AAF), which is described by sites like Wikipedia and FactCheck as “center-right” or “conservative.” In Google search results, the “featured snippet” up top about the Green New Deal references Wikipedia and says AAF estimates the cost at $600,000 per household…. Source link

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