Tag Archives: 12L

Google’s Android 12L officially launches, will come to select devices this year – TechCrunch

Google in October announced a preview of Android 12L, a version of the Android operating system designed specifically for large-screened devices. Today, Android 12L is officially becoming available, offering features that will make it easier to use Android on tablet devices. The software will begin to roll out to supported devices from Samsung, Lenovo and Microsoft starting later this year, Google said. The idea with Android 12L was to tailor Android for users on tablets and foldable… Source link

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Google releases first Android 12L beta for large-screen devices

Google has announced its Android 12L update — the one designed to give its OS a better experience on tablets and large folding phones — is getting its first beta release today. While Beta 1 still seems very much pointed toward developers, it could be a chance to see what Google’s working on in a (slightly) more polished state than the developer preview. With Android 12L, Google is adding a two-column layout for devices with larger screens, which will let you get at more information… Source link

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Google announces Android 12L, a feature drop for large-screen devices – TechCrunch

Google today announced a preview of Android 12L, which sounds like a new version of Android, but Google calls it “a special feature drop that makes Android 12 even better on large screens.” The idea here is to provide users on tablets, foldables and Chrome OS laptops — anything with a screen above 600 dp — with an improved user interface. The developer preview of Android 12L is now available for developers who want to give it a try, as well as a new Android 12L emulator and… Source link

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