Tag Archives: tests

Google tests a feature that calls businesses on your behalf and holds until an agent is available

Google tests a feature that calls businesses on your behalf and holds until an agent is available

Image Credits: Alex Tai/SOPA Images/LightRocket / Getty Images Google is testing a new feature that will place a call to a business on your behalf, wait on hold and then give you a call once a live representative is available, the company confirmed to TechCrunch. The new feature, called “Talk to a Live Rep,” would get rid of the need for users to wait countless minutes, and sometimes hours, listening to hold music trying to get connected to a customer service agent. The… Source link

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Google tests Branded Local Service Ads with opt-out option

Google tests Branded Local Service Ads with opt-out option

Google is piloting branded Local Service Ads (LSA). Brands are automatically enrolled into this new ad type by default. To disable it, businesses can adjust the settings manually. Branded LSAs explained. This new ad type allows brands to show up in search results when someone directly searches for a brand or business. Why we care. While this ad type may offer the chance to display your ad when someone is actively searching for a competitor, allowing you to tap into their customer… Source link

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Google tests Chrome for Windows on Arm, prepping for a big 2024

Google tests Chrome for Windows on Arm, prepping for a big 2024

Google Chrome has begun testing a native version for Windows on Arm, according to reports, bringing the world’s most popular browser to one of the world’s niche operating systems — which may gain in importance in 2024. Twitter/X user Pedro Justo confirmed that Google is offering Windows on Arm builds as part of its nightly Canary Channel, the latest Chrome beta. Other sources, including The Verge, have confirmed that the browser runs natively on Windows on Arm machines. As… Source link

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Google tests ‘highly rated’ call out for local services ads

Google tests ‘highly rated’ call out for local services ads

Google is piloting a new SERPs feature called “highly rated” for Local Services ads (LSA). As part of the experiment, when users input a local business query into the search engine, Google is now testing the display of a sponsored box featuring a selection of LSAs with top reviews in specific verticals. The featured ads include a thumbnail image, reviews, opening hours, duration of service, local service areas, and a call button so that users can easily contact the… Source link

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